Our pack's web site is hosted by a service called TroopWebHostCS. This service allows us to maintain membership and advancement information on a secure server, along with our pack calendar and financial records.
A few pages of our site are available to the general public, but most of the site is only available after you log on.
In order to view the private portions of our web site, you'll need to log on with your User ID and Password.
Click on the Log On link in the upper right corner of the page to reveal the Log On box, as shown here.
Fill in the fields with your User ID and Password and then click the Log On button.
If you click on the Remember me at this computer checkbox you won't have to logon again the next time you come to our site.
If you click on Forgot User ID or Password? the system will prompt you for your e-mail address and send you an e-mail with your login information.
Click on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the page to see the main menu.
on "My Stuff" to open up the "My Stuff" menu, as shown at right.
Everyone has access to the My Stuff menu. This allows you to view and update information about you and your scouts.
This menu includes:
My Contact Information. Update your contact information.
Change My Password. When you first receive your account, you should change your password to maintain its confidentiality.
My Account. View your account balance and the underlying transactions.
My Family. Parents can view their scouts' contact information, advancement status, and account balance.
Sign Up For Events. Register for campouts and other pack events.
...and much more!
The first option on the Events menu is Pack Calendar.
The Pack Calendar allows you to view all scheduled pack events, including:
Pack leaders have access to other functions that help them manage the group.
To learn more about the capabilities of our site, go to www.TroopWebHostCS.com.
There is also a comprehensive On-Line User Guide if you want to learn even more of the details.
Please visit our site on a regular basis to stay up to date with what's happening with our pack.